Simple Parsing Script
Python | 2009-04-04 |
A simple script to parse plain text files (in this case pipe-delimited), then write the rows to a table. Take a look at the sample text file - the fields in the first row should match the column headers.
# usage: ./ CUSTOMERORDERS_20090401.txt
# don't forget to run chmod +x on this file
import fileinput, string, sys, re, MySQLdb as Database
filename = sys.argv[1]
tablename = filename[:-13] # strip a few chars from the end of the filename arg - your mileage may vary
records = []
for line in fileinput.input( filename ):
if fileinput.isfirstline(): # first row becomes col names
columns = line.split('|') # split on the delimiter
if not fileinput.isfirstline():
line[1] # only append populated rows
otherline = line.split('|') # split on the delimiter
except IndexError:
print "emptyline"
db = Database.connect("host", "username", "password", "dbname")
cursor = db.cursor()
insertcolumns = ", ".join(columns)
for row in records:
insertrow = "', '".join(row)
sql = """INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES ('%s')""" %(tablename, insertcolumns, insertrow)