Python Developer and Educator
A few days too late ...
PIL. Okay, maybe it wasn't exactly a new discovery, but I'd never used it before to the extent that I did in the last quarter of 2009, and man was it fun. For the artist sites I maintain, we do a lot of image uploading and scaling - for everything from thumbnails for blog posts to full-featured galleries. The last few months of last year found me rewriting large chunks of that automated process in Python, and although everything that I wrote using PIL was eventually vetoed in favor of ImageMagick, I learned a lot, had a good time, and have archived my PIL scripts for future use. I'm sure they'll come in handy.
This is a tough one. I can't say that I learned any new technique that stands out. I discovered new ways to build the things I wanted with Django, Python, a few Javascript libraries, some other languages. I used SQL in ways I hadn't before. I got to work with a few fun APIs, each posing their own unique challenges.
Well, technically I still haven't made any code contributions to open source projects, but that's more to do with uncertainty than lack of interest. However, if my posts on legacy data and inspectdb were helpful to anyone, then I guess I could say that I made some contributions to the Django community.
Planet Python, definitely, although I also spent a lot of time absorbing the pith and wisdom of both Erics, Simon, James, Jacob, and Danny.
- I feel like I've gone as far as I can (or want to) with RDBMS - I want to plunge into the world of schema-less storage, and learn all I can about Cassandra, CouchDB, MongoDB, and Tokyo Cabinet and the like. I just need to come up with a project idea ...
- Implementing multi-db in Django. Again, I could use some inspiration - the project I could have used multi-db for a few years ago is no longer viable.
- Signals. Seriously. Stop laughing.