Python Developer and Educator
Here's the MySQL4 version of the script I posted yesterday. On the MySQL4 server, we don't have that handy INFORMATION_SCHEMA db for reference - instead, we have to get table information using SHOW TABLE STATUS
. The biggest difference between the two scripts is that this one requires a lot of extra calls to the server - at the beginning, to generate a list of dbs, then individual
SHOW TABLE STATUSrequests as I loop over those database names.
# usage: ./
import os, os.path, sys, MySQLdb as Database, smtplib
emailto = ['']
allupdatetimes = []
def list_dbs():
"""generate a list of dbs"""
cursor = db.cursor()
sql = """SHOW DATABASES"""
dbnames = cursor.fetchall()
return dbnames
def report_update_times(dbname):
"""get the update_time value for a specific table in each db"""
update_times = ''
cursor = db.cursor()
sql = """SHOW TABLE STATUS IN %s LIKE 'user_accounts'""" %(dbname)
rows_status = cursor.fetchone()
if rows_status:
# rows_status[11] corresponds to update_time in the list of fields returned by 'SHOW TABLE STATUS'
# for InnoDB, this will come back as NULL
update_times = update_times + str(dbname) + ', ' + str(rows_status[11]) + '\n'
return update_times
def send_mail(text):
fromaddr = "Barbara Shaurette "
toaddrs = emailto
msg = ("From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\n\r\n" % (fromaddr, ", ".join(toaddrs)))
for item in text: line = item
msg = msg + line
server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, msg)
db = Database.connect(host="host", port="port", user="username", passwd="password", db="")
dblist = list_dbs()
# we have a few dbs on the 4 server that we don't particularly care about
excludelist = ['someolddb', 'anotherolddb', 'onemoreolddb']
for dbname in dblist:
if dbname[0] not in excludelist:
updates = report_update_times(dbname[0])
That returns another list like this:
db1, 2009-07-11 00:17:19
db2, 2007-02-12 11:46:20
db3, 2007-05-25 13:38:31
db4, 2007-10-01 13:08:53
db5, 2009-10-07 15:17:43
db6, 2009-10-06 09:48:22
db7, 2007-02-12 11:48:52