Barbara Shaurette

Python Developer and Educator

Managing mp3 Files with eyeD3 - 2011-10-12

Quick and Dirty Lat/Lng Values from the Google Geocoding API - 2011-10-11

Contributing to Django Documentation, Part 2: Submitting A Patch - 2011-09-13

Contributing to Django Documentation, Part 1: Generating and Editing Documentation Locally - 2011-09-12

DjangoCon 2011 Follow-Up - 2011-09-09

Switching to PostgreSQL, Part 1: Installing Locally on OS X - 2011-08-17

Making A Comeback - 2011-08-16

My response to "Women Fed Up With Open Source Community Creeps" - 2010-12-18

Image resizing on file uploads. Doing it the easy way. - 2010-01-13

cElementTree ftw! - 2010-01-07

New Year's Python meme - 2010-01-05

2010 New Year's Resolutions - 2009-12-30

Image Resizing with Python and ImageMagick (bleh) - 2009-12-11

My Picks for PyCon 2010 - 2009-12-09

why you shouldn't sleep with the laptop on the bed next to you - 2009-11-07

Getting Update Times On The DB Server - MySQL4 - 2009-11-06

Getting Update Times On The DB Server - MySQL5 - 2009-11-05

File Comparison With Some DB Bells and Whistles - 2009-11-04

Simple File Comparison - 2009-11-03

The November Blog-A-Thon - 2009-11-02


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