Python Developer and Educator
Vegan Thanksgiving Brownies - 2024-11-29
My kubectl Cheat Sheet - 2024-11-27
Using GitHub Actions to run a Python script - 2024-11-25
Constructing a DNS-01 Challenge with ACME and Python - 2023-07-26
Building a Simple Slack App Using Flask - 2022-03-09
Managing User Access in Google Cloud - 2021-04-02
Three Ways to Get Data Out of BigQuery - 2021-03-17
Don't Go To Bootcamp - 2017-06-05
PyCon 2017: My Picks - 2017-05-24
More Tools: How To Be Heard - 2017-03-22
PostgreSQL Date Partitioning and a Stored Procedure - 2017-03-21
A toolbelt for the next 2-4 years and beyond - 2017-01-15
Interviewing While Female - 2016-09-14
Dynamic Inlines in the Django Admin - 2016-08-03
Bonus Points For Project-Based Interviews - 2016-07-27
Looking Ahead - 2016-07-22
Young Coders: Intermediate - 2016-06-07
A Quick Look At Programmer Productivity Pitfalls - 2016-02-23