Python Developer and Educator
My weird health issues - 2013-05-16
My next new challenge - 2013-05-07
Conference survey - I need your input - 2013-04-23
School Visit - April 19, 2013 - 2013-04-22
My Saturday evening lightning talk - 2013-04-17
Amazing things to do with a Raspberry Pi - 2013-04-16
Young Coders made it to Forbes! - 2013-04-10
Intro to Python, April 6 - Recap - 2013-04-10
PyTexas 2013 - 2013-03-22
Young Coders Learning Python at PyCon 2013 - 2013-03-19
Farewell, Malcolm - 2013-03-19
Snippets - 2013-02-11
Git/GitHub Micro Workshop - 2013-02-04
PyCon 2013: Young Coder "Lets Learn Python" Tutorial - 2013-01-28
PyLadies Austin In 2013 - 2013-01-10
Happy New Year! - 2012-12-31
Luckily, I Speek Leet - 2012-12-15
PyLadies represents at PyCon 2013 - 2012-12-13