Python Developer and Educator
Custom template tags in Django - 2008-08-15
ooh, I really could have used this last week - 2008-08-11
A terrific Django podcast - 2008-08-08
PDF downloads in Django - 2008-08-07
User groups and group permissions in newforms admin - 2008-08-06
I'm going to DjangoCon! - 2008-07-31
Pagination: it's not pretty, but it works - 2008-07-30
That's right, the women are smarter - 2008-07-28
Newforms-admin - 2008-07-23
Dynamic choices on a ForeignKey field - 2008-07-23
Waiting for Djangocon tickets - 2008-07-21
More Django testing and debugging reference - 2008-07-17
DjangoCon! - 2008-07-16
Testing Django apps - 2008-07-15
apparently, we're a phenomenon now - 2008-06-21
update locate database for Mac Os X - 2008-06-05
Installing Django with MySQL on Mac OS X - 2008-06-04