Barbara Shaurette

Python Developer and Educator

converting tabs to spaces in vi - 2008-11-06

SVN on Mac OS X - 2008-11-04

election results - 2008-11-04

Python 3.0 makes a big break - 2008-10-16

Multiple database connection: a simple use case - 2008-10-15

An as-yet unsolved multi-DB problem - 2008-10-09

Slimming down your project's admin - 2008-10-08

Python up there with the Eiffel Tower and Cory Doctorow - 2008-09-29

Super simple pagination, WITHOUT using Django's Paginator object - 2008-09-25

Cool idea, but I think we might need a few more IP addresses - 2008-09-21

RestView, via DjangoSnippets - 2008-09-21

Using Python str, datetime, lists and sets to group dates - 2008-09-21

Django-friendly hosting - 2008-09-20

The pony I really want: a good signals tutorial - 2008-09-16

Cal Henderson at DjangoCon - 2008-09-15

Shiny ... because it's mine. - 2008-09-12

an awesome error - 2008-09-11

My super-lame DjangoCon 2008 wrap-up - 2008-09-09

I believe the question of a mascot for Django has been answered - 2008-09-09

DjangoCon ... the official wrap-up post will have to wait until later - 2008-09-07


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