Barbara Shaurette

Python Developer and Educator

More Tools: How To Be Heard - 2017-03-22

PostgreSQL Date Partitioning and a Stored Procedure - 2017-03-21

A toolbelt for the next 2-4 years and beyond - 2017-01-15

Interviewing While Female - 2016-09-14

Dynamic Inlines in the Django Admin - 2016-08-03

Bonus Points For Project-Based Interviews - 2016-07-27

Looking Ahead - 2016-07-22

PyGotham 2016 - "Young Coders (or, 'How To Teach Python To Kids')" - 2016-07-16

Young Coders: Intermediate - 2016-06-07

A Quick Look At Programmer Productivity Pitfalls - 2016-02-23

Our Massive Halloween Trick-or-Treat Blowout - 2015-11-02

What I Learned From DjangoGirls - 2015-10-13

Coming Back From Burnout: Video - 2015-09-20

Coming Back From Burnout - 2015-09-03

Public Speaking for Nerds - 2015-07-21

Young Coders at PyCon 2015 - 2015-05-01

Customizing a Django RSS Feed - 2015-03-09

PyCon 2014 - 2014-04-27

A computer science classroom project without a name - 2013-09-17

An open letter to tech conference organizers - 2013-05-31


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