Python Developer and Educator
kubectl config use-context <CLUSTER_ADDRESS>
kubectl create namespace <NAMESPACE>
kubectl get namespaces
kubectl get namespaces --show-labels
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get pods -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl get svc
kubectl get service --all-namespaces
kubectl get events -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl get externalsecrets -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl get endpoints -n <NAMESPACE>
watch for changes in a list of pods:
kubectl get pods -n <NAMESPACE> -w
count pods:
kubectl get pods -n <NAMESPACE> --no-headers | grep Running | wc -l
list only pod names:
kubectl get pods -n <NAMESPACE> | awk '{print $1}'
list pods on their nodes:
kubectl get pods -n <NAMESPACE> -o wide
list pods by status:
kubectl get pods -A --sort-by=.status.startTime | egrep "Running | Completed"
use the "-v" flag to get pods that are not in the given state:
kubectl get pods -A --sort-by=.status.startTime | egrep -v "Running | Completed"
list images used to generate all the pods in a namespace:
kubectl get pods -n <NAMESPACE> -o jsonpath="{..image}" | tr -s '[[:space:]]' '\n' | sort | uniq -c
get the status of a single pod:
kubectl get pod <POD> -n <NAMESPACE> -o jsonpath="Status: {.status.phase}{'\n'}"
get all pods on a specific node:
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide --field-selector spec.nodeName=<NODE>
get nodes with taints:
kubectl get nodes -o,TAINTS:.spec.taints --no-headers
list nodes on a specific provisioner:
kubectl get node -l<PROVISIONER>
list all nodes with their provisioners:
kubectl get node -o=custom-columns=",Provisioner:.metadata.labels.karpenter\.sh/provisioner-name"
kubectl describe pod <POD> -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl describe ingress <INGRESS_NAME> -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl describe deployment <DEPLOY> -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl describe configmap <CONFIGMAP> -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl describe<EXTERNALSECRET> -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl describe endpoints <ENDPOINT> -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl describe deploy <DEPLOY> -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl describe configmap <CONFIGMAP> -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl describe pod <POD> -n <NAMESPACE> | grep Tolerations
kubectl describe node <NODE> | grep Taints
read the most recent log entries on a pod:
kubectl logs <POD> -n <NAMESPACE>
tail pod logs:
kubectl logs -f <POD> -n <NAMESPACE>
tail logs for deployments:
kubectl logs -f deployment/<DEPLOY> -n <NAMESPACE>
tail while filtering for a specific a string:
kubectl logs -f deployment/<DEPLOY> -n <NAMESPACE> | grep "<STRING>"
kubectl get all -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl api-resources --verbs=list --namespaced -o name | xargs -n 1 kubectl get --show-kind --ignore-not-found -n <NAMESPACE>
for i in `kubectl api-resources -n <NAMESPACE> | awk '{print $1}'`; do kubectl get $i; done
kubectl get all,cm,secret,ing -A -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl get pods --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp -n <NAMESPACE>
When a namespace is stuck as "Terminating", this command (with kubectl 1.11+) will show you what resources remain in the namespace:
kubectl api-resources --verbs=list --namespaced -o name | xargs -n 1 kubectl get --show-kind --ignore-not-found -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl get deploy -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl rollout restart deploy <DEPLOY> -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl get cronjobs -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl create job --from=cronjob/<CRONJOB> <NEW_JOB_NAME> -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl get jobs -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl delete job <NEW_JOB_NAME> -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl create secret generic <SECRET_NAME> --from-literal=<SECRET_KEY>='<SECRET_VALUE_STRING>' -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl get secrets -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl describe secrets/<SECRET_NAME> -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl get secret <SECRET_NAME> -o jsonpath='{.data}' {"<SECRET_KEY>":"<SECRET_VALUE_ENCODED>"} echo '<SECRET_VALUE_ENCODED>==' | base64 --decode <SECRET_VALUE_STRING>
kubectl top pod <POD> -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl top pods -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl get pods <POD> -n <NAMESPACE> -o jsonpath='{range .spec.containers[*]}{"Container Name: "}{.name}{"\n"}{"Requests:"}{"\n"}{"\t"}{"CPU:"}{.resources.requests.cpu}{"\n"}{"\t"}{"Memory:"}{.resources.requests.memory}{"\n"}{"\t"}{"Ephemeral Storage:"}{.resources.requests.ephemeral-storage}{"\n"}{"Limits:"}{"\n"}{"\t"}{"CPU:"}{.resources.limits.cpu}{"\n"}{"\t"}{"Memory:"}{.resources.limits.memory}{"\n"}{"\t"}{"Ephemeral Storage:"}{.resources.limits.ephemeral-storage}{"\n"}{"\n"}{end}'
sort by MEMORY(bytes) ascending:
kubectl top pods -n <NAMESPACE> | sort --key 2 -b | awk 'NR<2{print $0;next}{print $0| "sort --key 3 --numeric -b"}'
kubectl port-forward -n <NAMESPACE> <POD> <LOCAL_PORT>:<REMOTE_PORT>
kubectl port-forward -n <NAMESPACE> deployment/<DEPLOY> :<REMOTE_PORT>
copy a file from a pod/container to a local path:
kubectl cp <NAMESPACE>/<POD>:/tmp/foo /tmp/bar
kubectl cp <NAMESPACE>/<POD>:/path/on/the/pod .
kubectl edit deploy/<DEPLOY> -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl edit ns <NAMESPACE>
kubectl exec -it <POD> -n <NAMESPACE> /bin/bash
kubectl exec -n <NAMESPACE> --stdin --tty <POD> --container <POD> -- /bin/sh
kubectl delete ingress <INGRESS> -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl delete ns <NAMESPACE>
force delete:
kubectl delete pod <POD> --grace-period=0 --force -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl get pods -n <NAMESPACE> | grep Terminating | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kubectl delete pod -n <NAMESPACE> --grace-period=0 —force
bulk delete pods with a specific status:
kubectl get pods -A --sort-by=.status.startTime | egrep ContainerStatusUnknown | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kubectl delete pod -n <NAMESPACE>
kubectl get pods -A --sort-by=.status.startTime | egrep OOMKilled | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kubectl delete pod -n <NAMESPACE> --grace-period=0 —force
kubectl scale deployment/<DEPLOY> -n <NAMESPACE> --replicas=<REPLICA_COUNT>
Have questions or want to chat about this post? Hit me up on Mastadon or Bluesky